Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chapter 7: Teaching Difficult Academic Material

The part of this chapter that stuck out for me is the part about challenging the assumptions of what students have learned. In pyschology I learned that it is almost impossible to change what a student believes about the world if they have an assumption about it already. As a teacher, if we can show them that their assumption is incorrect than we will be able to show them the truth.

I will be using this in the classroom once again, I will be using this cause in the subject of math people assume many things to be true that can not, and are in fact not true. Such as the last class I taught students believed that subtracting was a whole seperate entity than addition. I had to tell them that actually it is the same exact thing, that when you are subtracting all you really are doing is adding the additive inverse. This really threw the class I was teaching for a loop but in the end I really could see what was going on in their heads.

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